Education Ch.10

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20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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In your classroom you have a student with interllectual disabilities. he will often rock back and forth in his chair or grind his teeth when he is upset
Stereotypic behavior
The type of assessmetn used to determine the skills a student needs to complete an activity or taks is known as
The percentage of the poputlation with "significantly subaverage" intellectual funcioning is:
Task analysis refers to
Breakdouwn of each individual step of a skill
The effectivenesswith wich individual meet the standars of personal independence and social reponsability expected for their age and cultural group regers to
Adaptive behavior
_________is probably the most common inherited form of mental retardation
Fragile X syndrome
Repeating words without necessaryly understanding is called
Many students with intellectual disabilitie swill often respond affirmatively in order to please other and mask their confusion. is an example of
Biased reponding
The current definition of intellectual disabilities stresses the interaction amon all of the following EXEPT
A person's inability to learn
In order to provide examples of your student's work and how it connects to the goals and objectives on their IEPs you are using portfolio and curriculum-based assessments, or
Authentic assessment
The number of children born with several disabilities is
______is the most common chromosomal disorder and can occur in about 1 in 733 to 1,000 live births
Down syndrome
________is identified as one of the three top known couses of birth defects.
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Children with disabilities are usually diagnosed
At birth shortly thereafter
When an individual is given a list of steps to follow in order to guide him or her in the correct sequence of activity completiotion, the studetn is using
Task Analysis