Econ 206 Test 1

These flash carda are for my Economics 206 first midterms. Chapters 1 - 5.

55 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Scarcity and Choice
Resources can produce or buy only a faction of goods and services desired by people. Scarcity implies the need for choice.
Opportunity cost
The benefit given up by not using resources in the best alternative way.
Maximizing Decisions
People are maximizers, conusmbers maximize utility, producers maximize profits.
Marginal Decisions
All decisions are based on weighing marginal cost agains marginal benefit.
Marginal Cost
The increase in total cost resulting from increasing output by one unit.
Marginal Benefit
The extra wages and benefits that must be paid
Tradional Economic System
One in which behavior is based primarily on tradion, custom, and habit.
Free- Market Economy
And economy in which most economic decisions are made by private housholds and firms
Command (centrally planned) Economy
And economy in which most economic decisions are made by a central planning authority.
Mixed Economies
In the sense some decisions are made by firms and households and some by the gov.
Normative Statements
Depend on value judgments and opinions, cannot be settled by recourse to facts.
Positive Statements
Don not involve value judgements. they are statements about what is, was or will be.
Endogenous variable
One whose value is determined within the theory.
Exogenous variable
Influences the endogenous variables but is itself determined outside the theory.
Motives (assumption)
Everyone persues his or her own selfinterest when making economic decisions.