ECG Made Easy (post Test 2)

28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) that look alike in the same lead and begin from the same anatomic site (i.e., focus) are called __________ PVCs?
QRS complexes that vary in shape and amplitude from beat and appear to twist from upright to negative or negative to upright and back, resembling a spindle?
Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
When a delay or interruption in impulse conduction from the atria to the ventricles occurs as a result of a transient or permanent anatomic or functional impairment, the resulting dysrhythmia is called?
Atrio-ventricular Block
Whenever the criteria for bundle branch block have been met and lead V1 displays an rSR pattern, you should suspect a?
Right bundle branch block
The PR interval of a first-degree AV block?
Is constant and more than 0.20 sec in duration
An example of a complete atrio-ventricular AV block?
Third-degree AV block
An example of a 2:1 AV block?
The PR interval remains constant
Which lead is probably the best to use when differentiating between right and left bundle branch block?
The term capture, as it pertains to pacing, refers to?
Successful conduction of pacemaker's impulse thru the myocardium, resulting in depolarization
The 12-lead ECG only provides a __________ -second view of each lead.
Although a right ventricular infarction may occur by itself, it is more commonly associated with a(n) __________ wall myocardial infarction.
POOR R-wave progression is a phrase used to describe R-waves that decrease in size from V1, to V4. This is often seen in an __________ infarction.
The right atrium receives de-oxygenated blood from the __________ (which carries blood from the head and upper extremities), and the __________ (which carries blood from the lower body), and __________ (which receives blood from the intracardiac circulation).
Superior vena cavainferior vena cavacoronary sinus
A beat originating from the AV junction that appears later than the next expected sinus beat is called a __________.
Junctional escape beat
A rapid, wide-QRS rhythm associated with pulselessness, shock, or heart failure should be presumed to be?
Ventricular Tachycardia