Earth Moon and Sun

Earth moon an d sun fo

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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How long does Earth's rotation take?
24 hours
How long does one complete revolution around the sun take?
One year
Whey does Earth have seasons?
Its axis is tilted as it revolves around the sun.
What are tides caused by?
Differences in how much the moon pulls on different parts of the earth.
What caused maria on the moon?
Ancient lava flows
How large is the moon compared to earth?
One fourth the diameter of the Earth.
How do scientists think the moon was formed?
A large object struck Earth, and ejected material from the collision combined
When does an equinox occur?
Neither end of Earth's axis is tilted toward or away from the sun.
Why do you never see the far side of the moon?
Because the moon rotates once for each revolution around the earth.
The amount of the lighted side of the moon you can see is the same during?
The first and third quarter phases
Why are you less likely to see a total solar ecliupse than a total lunar eclipse?
The moon's umbra only covers a small area on Earth's surface.
What are two factors that keep Earth and moon in orbit?
Gravity and inertia
The strength of the force of gravity depends on what?
The masses of the objects and the distance between them.
The temperature of the moon's surface varies from day to night because?
It has no atmosphere.
During a total lunar eclipse the moon is in Earth's what?