Driver's Education Midterm

Drivers ed miderm study guide

97 cards   |   Total Attempts: 196

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A car inspection is alid for what amount of time
2 years (4 years if the car is new)
What is the fine for getting a drivers license illegally
30-90 days in jail and $200-500 fine
What is the penalty for altering a license or showing an altered license
$1,000 fine 6 months in jail and loss of license
Your car must be insured for
What is the period in which headlights must be used
30 min fter sunset to 30 min before sunrise and in rain
What is the penalty for drinking and driving if you are under 21
30-90 days suspension, 15-30 days community service, Intoxicated Driver Program
You must park within feet of a fire hydrant
What is the procedure for backing a car in a strait lineq
Turn around, right hand on front passanger seat, left hand on steering wheel
While driving at night what are th rules for stoppind
Stop within the distance you can see
What is the first thing you should do if your car goes into a skid
Foot off gas
What is the procedure for a tire blowout
Grip wheel firmly, slow down gradually
What should you do if a vehicle is passing you
Slow down
Wihen can you drive on public property
When a police officer tells you to
What are some rules for drvin in the city
Slow, wtch for bikes and people, look 12 sec ahead
What is hydroplaning
When the tires ride up on a film of water