DMV knowlege test

67 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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When driving near light rail vehicles, always:

A) Be careful turning across train tracks.
B) Pay attention and obey all traffic signs.
C) Expect trains on any track at any time.
D) All of these.
All of these.
Headlights must be turned on

A) whenever you use your wipers.
B) at sunset.
C) in inclement weather.
D) all of the above.
all of the above.
When backing, the most common mistake a driver makes is

A) failing to look both ways behind you
B) checking for pedestrians
C) turning your body and head to the right and looking out through the rear window
D) backing up slowly
failing to look both ways behind you
If you drive in Virginia without liability insurance coverage on your vehicle you face

A) a $500 fine.
B) higher insurance premiums.
C) suspension of your driver's license.
D) all of the above.
all of the above.
Children under age ___ must be secured in an approved child safety seat.

A) seven
B) six
C) five
D) eight
When driving in rain, you must

A) use parking lights.
B) use no lights.
C) use high beam headlights.
D) use low beam headlights.
use low beam headlights.
Yield also means stop if you cannot merge safely into the flow of traffic


It is legal to transport children under age 16 in the bed of a pick-up truck if it is equipped with a camper shell


When driving from a private road or driveway, you do not have to stop before crossing a sidewalk


You see a flashing red light at the next intersection. You must

A) make a U-turn.
B) stop until the light turns green.
C) come to a complete stop before proceeding.
D) slow down and proceed with caution.
come to a complete stop before proceeding.
It's your responsibility to ensure that the vehicle you are driving is

A) insured.
B) in good working order.
C) properly registered.
D) all of the above.
all of the above.
You are legally intoxicated when your blood alcohol concentration is

A) 0.10%
B) 0.09%
C) 0.07%
D) 0.08%
The speed limit in business zones is

A) 35 mph.
B) 25 mph.
C) 15 mph.
D) 30 mph.
25 mph.
Passing is prohibited

A) whenever a solid line marks the left side of your lane.
B) off the pavement or shoulder of the road.
C) when a school bus is stopped to load or unload children on a public road (unless a physical barrier separates traffic)
D) all of the above.
all of the above.
When approaching a school bus with flashing signals or flashing signals and an extended stop sign, you must stop and remain stopped until

A) the bus driver signals you to pass.
B) the bus moves again.
C) the bus signals stop flashing.
D) all children are clear of the roadway and the bus moves again.
all children are clear of the roadway and the bus moves again.