Develop. Psych Chapter 8 Terms

Textbook - Develop

38 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Psychosocial Development
According to Erikson, development that encompasses changes both in the understandings individuals have of themselves as members of a society and in their comprehension of the meaning of others’ behavior
Initiative vs. Guilt Stage
The period during which children ages 3-6 experience conflict between independence of action and the sometimes negative results of that action
A person’s identity or set of beliefs about what one is like as an individual
Collectivistic Orientation
A philosophy that promotes the notion of interdependence
Individualistic Orientation
A philosophy that emphasizes personal identity and the uniqueness of the individual
Race Dissonance
The phenomenon in which minority children indicate preferences for majority values or people
The process in which children attempt to be similar to their same-sex parent, incorporating the parent’s attitudes and values
Gender Identity
The perception of oneself as male or female
Gender Schema
A cognitive framework that organizes information relevant to gender
Gender Constancy
The belief that people are permanently males or females, depending on fixed, unchangeable biological factors
A state in which gender roles encompass characteristics thought typical of both sexes
Functional Play
Play that involves simple, repetitive activities typical of 3 year olds
Constructive Play
Play in which children manipulate objects to produce or build something
Parallel Play
Action in which children play with similar toys, in a similar manner, but do not interact with each other
Onlooker Play
Action in which children simply watch others at play, but do not actually participate themselves