Desert Biome

Desert biome

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What are the 2 formations of deserts?
Warm and cold and semideserts
Where is this biome located
Located on most continents except antartica
Warm deserts: 25-30 latitude, subtropical west coasts
cold semi deserts: 30-50 latitude, continental rainshadows (A region having little rainfall), transition to desert or grassland
-hot summers, moderate winters, highest annual/ daily ranges
-cold deserts= high elevation or continental
-low ppt, seasonal, highly variable
-coastal deserts-advection fog from cold ocean currents
-rely on this for ppt
Water balance Ep>>>>>Ea, huge annual water deficit (200-300cm/yr)
Draw the soil moisture balance
Answer 4
See figure
What are the types of soils
Coarse sandy soils- large particles, smaller surface area, lower water hold capacity, high percolation, low run-off and evaporation
these are better than fine clay soils because small particles= large SA, high water holding capacity, less percolation of ppt, more surface run-off and evaporation
What are the vegetation characteristics
Productivity: low relative to other biomes
life forms: herbs, shrubs, tree-like cacti
What are the adaptations of this biome
Xerophytes= plants adapted to drought
phreatophytes= well plants
-have tap roots to access ground H2O
water storage:
-succulents (cactus)
-tolerant coating to desiccation (water loss)
-spines to protect losing H2O to herbivores
reduce water loss from tissues:
-produce small leaves to conserve water
-waxy surfaces=hold H2O
-shiny surfaces or white hairs = high albedo to reduce temp
-deciduous leaves
-reisin has odor to prevent animals from eating it.
ephemerals or annuals:
-persist through drought as seeds
-life cycke is triggered by ppt to germinate and grow
nurse plants:
-drought tolerant plants creat microclimate suitable for other species
-important for succession
What are disturbances?
-high stress environments in which natural disturbance are rare
fire- exceptionally rare
-hot dry environment is conducive to fir BUT not enough plant cover
What are some human impacts
Introduced exotic grasses from other areas for the purpose of live stock
Why is introducing another plant bad?
Not have natural competitors + will succeed to run out native species
this will increase plant cover therefore increasing fires which the native species are not adapted to
(positive feedback =increased plant desity will cause increased cheat grass but overall negative effect on native species