Dental Office Administration Chater 10

Chapter 10- Dental Patient Scheduling

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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What are the 2 main elements of Scheduling?
1. Mechanics of scheduling (establish a matrix)
2. Art of Scheduling (work with the dental healthcare team and answer a few questions)
Mechanics of Scheduling
* Selecting the Appointment Book
* Units
What is the most common style of Appointment book used?
The most common style is a week at a glance
What are units?
Division of time segments
Art of Scheduling
The amount of dental treatment that is completed
The amount of money collected

What is the first element of Scheduling?
Mechanics of scheduling (which includes selecting the appointment book)
What is the 2nd element of scheduling?
The Art of Scheduling.
What is Productivity?
*The amount of dental treatment that is completed
*The amount of money collected.
What is the first step of Art of Scheduling?
To work with the dental healthcare team and answer a few questions.
What is the key to the Art of Scheduling?
To setermine when the dental healthcare team is the most productive.
And how through effective schduling the goals and philosophy of dental practice can be met.
What are the 2 types of productivity?
The amount of dental treatment that is completed
The amount of money collected
What are the 4 key questions that help you maximize scheduling efficiency?
1. At what time of the day does the dental health care team work smarter and faster?
2. How much time is needed to complete a procedure?
3. Which procedure may require utilization of an expanded function dental assistant?
4. Who will do the scheduling?
What are the 2 things the scheduler must do to meet the needs of both the dental healthcare team and the patient?
Maintain control of the appointment book
Be creative
What are 7 examples of Scenarios of Scheduling?
1. Emergency Patient
2. Afternoon Only Patient
3. Chronically late Patient
4. Canceled Appointment
5. The student who cannot miss school
6. The patient who arrives on the wrong day.
7. Unscheduled Appointments
What are 2 results of Poor scheduling?
1. Patents have to wait more than 10 minutes before they are seen by the dentist.
2. There is not enough time complete the treatment.