Dental Materials Test 2 Big Questions

Dental materi als test

59 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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A study model that replicates the teeth
A working model that is more than one tooth
Woring model of a tooth or few teeth strongest used for crowns/bridges
Formation of exudates on the surface of a gel
Absorbs addtional water
A plastic that softens upon heating and then rehardens in cooling (reversible)
3 reasons custom mouthguards are preferred/
Dec gagging lack of taste and color low speech impairment
Purpose of NaPO4 in alginate
Controls set time Retarder to inc working time
Two ex of elastic non aqueous material
Polysulfide and polyether rubber imp material
How can setting time be controlled by operator?
Inc temp of water or environ dec working time water/powder ratio accelerator/potassium sulfate dec setting time retarder/sodium citrate inc setting time
How is plaster made from raw gypsum material?
Gypsum is heated in atmospheric pressure and beta hemihydrate is formed gyspsum is heated under steam pressure and alpha hemihydrate is formed
Wet strength
Free water not evaportate not 24 hrs
Dry strenght
Free water evaportate 24 hrs two times stronger than wet strenght
How should a mouth protector be stored when not in use?
In distilled water in a rigid container or mounted on the model it was fabricated from
Water loving surface readily wettable ex: polysulfide rubber imp material