Different Types of Dental Instruments Flashcards

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Function: To remove or to smooth rough edges of alveolar bone. Characteristics: Used with push-pull motion Straight-cut or cross-cut endings Variety of sizes, angles, and shapes Practice Note: Bone File is useed on surgical extraction tray setups.
Answer 1
Bone File
Fucntions: To loosen the tooth from the periodontal ligametns before extraction. To sepreate and lift tooth from socket. Characterisitcs: Single Ended Ranges of sizes available. Practice Note: Straight elevator is used on surgical extraction tray setups.
Answer 2
Straight Elevator
Fucntion: To extract mandibular first and second molars Charcteristics: Straight handles or one curved handle...referred to as the cowhhorn forceps. Practice Note: Unvieresal Mandibular forceps No.16 is used on surgical extraction tray setups.
Answer 3
Uiversal Mandiibular Forceps No.16
Function: To cut periodontal Ligaments before extraction To rock tooth back and forth before extraction. Characterisitics: Single Bended Sharp Blade on working end Range of sizes available. Practice Note: Luxating Elevator used on surgical extraction tray setups.
Answer 4
Luxating Elevator
Fucntion: To extract trifucrcateed maxillary right first and or second molars Charcteristic: Right-Split Beak----For Engaing lingual root Practice Note: Maxillary Right Forceps No.88R is used on surgical extraction tray setups.
Maxillary Right Forceps NO.88R
Function: To lift and remove the fragmetns of the root. Charcteristics: Single Ended Rounded or Pointed Straight or right and left pairs
Function: To suture the surgical site Charcteristics: Resorbable sutures---Gut Plain, chromic gut, polyglycolic(PGA) Available in sterile package Variety of sutuere needle sizes available with different sutures Practice note: Suture neeedles are used in oral surgical procedure and on the periodontal sugery tray setups.
Suture Needles and Sutures
Function: To hold and place sperators To hold,placee ,and/or tie ligatures to the arch wire. Charctereisitcs: Multifucntional insturment for the orthodontic procedures. Practice Note: Orthodontic Hemostat is used on the orthodontic tray setup.
Orthodontic Hemostat
Fucntion: To place and remove arch wires. To check for loose bands. Charcteristics: All-Purposoe pliers for orthodontic procedures . Serrated tips for better grip on wire Straight or curved beaks. Practice Note: How pliers are only used on the orthodontic tray setup.
How(HOWE) Pliers
Function: To remove large amount of deposits from supragingivial surfaces. Charcteistics: Two cutting edges on a curved blade that ends in an sharp point. Long,Straight shank with one gentle bend. Variety of sizes and angles. Single or double ended---Two ends may be shaped differently. Practice Note: Curved Sickle Scaler is used on hygiende and periodontal tray setups.
Curved Sickle Scaler
Function: To remove large amount of deposits from supragingivial surfaces. Charcteistics: Two cutting edges on a curved blade that ends in an sharp point. Long,Straight shank with one gentle bend. Variety of sizes and angles. Single or double ended---Two ends may be shaped differently. Practice Note: Curved Sickle Scaler is used on hygiende and periodontal tray setups.
Straight Sickle Scaler