Dental Hygiene Care

Planning for dental hygiene care

32 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Chief complaint
Reason for seeking dental hygiene care; pain takes priority
Risk factors
Peridontal disease dental caries oral cancer
Risk factors for oral cancer
Tobacco use alcohol use sun exposure
Risk factors for periodontal disease
Behavioural factors tobacco use systemic conditions hormonal considerations nutritional status iatrogenic factors genetic factors
Risk factors for dental caries
Behavioral dietary low fluoride tooth morphology and position xerostomia history of dental caries developmental genethic
Periodontal disease risk factor for
Inefective endocarditis cardiovascular disease diabetes mellitus respiratory disease adverse pregnancy outcomes
ADL (Activities of Daily Living)
Is a measure of the ability fo carry out the basic tasks needed for self care; 4 levels
ASA ( American society of anesthesiologists)
Developed to determine modifications necessary to provide general anesthtethic to patients during surgical procedures; 5 levels
Without systemic disease; normal healthy patient with little or no dental anxiety; no modifications necessary
Mild systemic disease or extreme dental anxiety, minimal risk, minor modification to treatment and/ or patient education may be necessary
Systemic disease that limits activity but is not incapacitating; medical clearance needed
Incapacitating disease that is a constant threat to life; hospitalization during treatment
Patient is moribund and not expected to survive; no treatment
Level 0
Ability to perform tasks without assistance
Level 1
Ability to perform the task with some human asistance; may need a device or mechanical aid but or still independent