Debate Vocabulary Set 1

Debate 1

31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

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A priori
Without appeal to experience
The position that the affirmative or negative defends
Advocacy Shift
Debater alternating his position form the constructive in a rebutal
The side of the debate that defends the resolution
Agent of action
The power indicated or inferred by the resolution to carry out resolution to carry out resolution action
Short for answers to
Awards ceremony
An assembly where students are recognized for their performance
The written record of the decision in a round
Big picture
A rebuttal strategy that approaches the round from the major ideas and emphasizes a thematic view of each position
Multiple prepared responses to an argument
Blow up
Making a big deal out of an argument by spending a lot of time on it
The group of debaters with the same preliminary round record
To become eligible for elimination rounds
A prepared argument with evidence and arguments already structured on a page
Bubble round
The round that determines wheter a debater will advance to elimination debates