Death & Dying, Loss & Grief

NURS 101

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 299

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When a valued person, object or situation is changed or inaccessible so that its value is diminished or removed.
Actual - regnized by everyone
Perceived - experienced by the person, but intangible to others
Anticipatory - loss & grief behaviors for a loss that has yet to occur
Intermal emotional reaction to loss
Dysfunctional grief
Abnormal or distorted. May be unresolved (trouble expressing feelings of loss or extened grieving.) or inhibited (grief feelings are suppressed and physical symptoms may manifest)
Stages of dying
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

terminal illness
Illness in which death is expected within a limited space of time
Palliative care
Taking care of the whole person (body, mind, spirit, heart and soul). Giving patients the best quality of life possible
Care provided to people with limited life expectancy (home or inpatient). Hospice focuses on the needs of the dying, palliative care is appropriate in all diseases and illnesses.
Advance Directives
Instructions written in advance describing what healthcare the patient would want if they are unable to express themselves. Include living will and durable power of attorney for healthcare
Living will
Provides specific instructions about the kinds of healthcare that should be provided in specific situations
Durable power of attorney for healthcare
Appoints an individual to make decisions in the event of subsequent incapacity
Do not resuscitate - don't intervene if heart stops beating or breathing ceases. Give full care until that point!
Means good dying - includes active and passive ehtuanasia
Active euthanasia
Doing something that causes the patient's death. Includes assisted suicide (providing the patient with something that will cause their death) or the clinician administers a lethal medication, causing death.
Passive euthanasia
Withdrawing medical treatment with the intention of causing the death.
ANA stance on active euthanasia
Participating in active euthanasia (including assisted suicide) is in violation of the code for nurses.