Customer Service

Customer Serv ice Ch 1

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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"Good service is good business" can be a company's
Mission statement, general values statement, mottot. (all above)
Perople or departments withing a company the rely on coleagues to provide the support they need to service their own internal and external customers are called
Internal customers
The frontline person in an organization who deals with customers on a day to day basis is called a/an
Customer service reps (CSR)
Customer contact occurs
In person, on the phone, online (all above)
When a CSR is optimistic, maintains a cheerful attitude, and looks for positive resolutions to problems, the characteristic is called
A positive attitude
A location where groups of people use telephones to provide service and support to customers is called a/an
Call center
Acknowledgement, name recognition, and eye contact make a personfel important and appreciated and these actions satisfy the need in all of us to
Feel important
The fact that customers have become the most precious of all economic resources to businesses speaks to the age of
Customer scarcity
The most important reason people shift from one suppliers to another is because of dissatisfaction with
Showing lack of courtesy or attention and projecting an indifferent attitude describes what type of customers turnoffs?
Voicemail menus that are unnecessarily complicated, slow service, and poor product selection are examples of what type of customer turnoff?
What a customer wants before a transaction is referred to as
Customer expectations
An episode in which a customer comes in contact with any aspect of the company and has an opportunity to form an impressions is referred to as a
Moment of truth
Customer feedback can be gathered through
All above
Surveys that gather info from customers after they have completed a business transation is called a
Post-episodic survey