Customer Service

Good Customer Service

5 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

Cards In This Set

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Question 1
Making eye contact with customers and greet them right away when they walk in store.
Greet Customer in A Winning Way
Question 2
Show the customer you are sinceely interrested in serving him/her. Smiling is always a goods way to show you're interrested and friendly.
Greet Customer in A Winning Way
Question 3
Create an opening conversation of the product the customer seen to be more into.
Greet Customer in A Winning Way
Question 4
Comments that you say and how you say it should be in tune with the customer 's personality and mood. Be sensitive and thinkin term of getting to know the customers.
Greet Customer in A Winning Way
Question 5
Be sure to show you care about helping in anyway you can. Make the other parties fell important too.
Greet Customer in A Winning Way