Cult Geo Ch 10

Ho   c

113 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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LDCs are home to ___% of the world's farmers.
Agriculture is big business in _____ and a major component of international trade connections in _______.
Is deliberate modification of Earth's surface through cultivation of plants and rearing of animals to obtain sustanance or economic gain.
Is any plant cultivated by people:
A 1/4 mill people, or less than .005% of the world's pop. still survive by _________ and _________ rather than agriculture.
Hunting, gathering
Geographers and other scientists agree that agriculture oringinated in ________ hearths around the world.
The earlist crops domesticated in SW Asia are thought to have been ________ and ________ around 10,000 years ago.
Barley, wheat
Mexico is considered a hearth for ________ and ________, and Peru for ________.
Beans, cotton, potatos
The most important contribution of the Americas to crop domestication is _________.
Maize or corn
________ is thought to have been the hearth for the domestication of the largest number of animals.
SW Asia
Domestication of the _______ is thought to date from around 12,000 yrs ago, also in SW Asia.
Inhabitants of _________ may have been the first to intergrate cultivation of crops with domestication of heard animals.
SW Asia
_______ generally practice subsistence agriculture.
The production of food primarily for consumption by the farmer's faily.
Subsistence agriculture
Found in MDCs, is the productin of fod primarily for sale off the farm:
Commercial agriculture