CSC 355 Final

Programming languages course

54 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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Compiling a program
A separate machine executable file is create which is what is run to run the program
Interpreting a program
The program is run line by line and translated that way as it is run
Interactively running a program
Executing code when you type into, for example. the terminal one instruction at a time and see the results immediately
Type checking
Testing for type errors in a program by the compiler or during program execution
The memory location which is also called l-value because it is found on the left of the assignment statement
Values called r-values because they are constants found on the right of the assignment statement
Static scope
Subprograms nested within other subprograms can see the variables from outer subprograms. its set up by compiler before program is run
Dynamic scope
One method can see own variables and variables from the method that calls it. set up at runtime
Enumerated type
Provides a list of all possible values, which are named constants/ enumerated constants, in a definition
Ambiguous grammar
When grammar can generate two or more distinct parse trees
Recursive descent parser
Collection of subprograms, mostly recursive ones, that produce a parse tree in top-down order
Strong typing
The language is very particular and names are case sensitive, and datatypes cannot be changed once set
Top down parser
Replace left hand side with a choice of something on right hand side and work our way down. (replace labels with definitions)
Bottom up parser
Look at sequence of tokens, choose a RHS definition which matches initial portion replace with corresponding LHS
Associative array
Unordered collection of data elements that are indexed by equal number of values called keys