
Cryptography CISSP

53 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

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Method Authentication code (MAC) what does it provide?
Authentication & integrity
What does IPSEC provide?
Integrity, confidentility & system authentication, tunnels through IP networks. provides data exhcange between two devices.
What does Hasing provide?
Need new
need new
Cipher Only Attack
Has ciphertext. Trying to get the key
Known Plain Text
Attacker has plaintext and ciphertext, trying to get the key
Choose plain text
Attacker has plaintext & ciphertext, but can choose the plaintext that gets encrypted to see the corresponding cipher
Choose Cipher
Can choose the ciphertext to be decrypted and has access to the resulting decrypted plaintext
Digitially signed offer?
Authentication, nonrepudiation & integrity
Encryption & digitally signed offers?
Confidentiality, authentication, nonrepudiation & integrity
What is a hybird system, symmetric & asymmetric
What algorithm produces 160 bit has value
Ciphers used for software and uses X-boxes
Block cipher
Symmetric cannot provide what?`
Authentication or nonrepudiation
Asymmetric provides?`
Authentication & nonrepudiation