Crust, Mantle, and Core/ Radiation, Convection, and Conduction

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The transfer of heat in the form of electromanetic waves
The tranfer of heat by moving air
The transfer of heat through a solid metal
Convetion Currents
The transfer of heat by the mass movement of heated particles into an area of cooler fluid
Direct Evidence
evidence of a witness who testifies to the truth of the fact to be proved (contrasted with circumstantial evidence ).
Indirect Evidence
Proof of facts offered as evidence from which other facts are to be inferred
How do scientist learn about the Earths interior from Direct Evidence?
Rock Samples -Drilling holes underground and picking up rocks from acrive volcanoes
How do scientists learn about the Earths interior from indirect evidence.
Sesmic waves
The Lithosphere is solid and rigid. It is the uppermost part of the mantle.
The Asthenosphere is below the Lithosphere. t is less rigid then the Lithosphere and it can bend like a spoon, but it's still rock solid.
The Mesosphere is at the bottom of the mantle. It has high pressure. It's hot and rigid.
Outer Core
The outer core is a layer of liquid molten metal surrounding the inner core.
Inner core
The inner core is a dense ball of solid metal.
Continental Crust
It formed the continents. It contains many different types of rocks. It is much like Granite.
Oceananic Crust
It's the crust that lies beneath the ocean. It's overall composition is like Basalt with small amounts of ocean sediment on the top.