CRJ 145 - Exam 1

Chapter 1 fla sh cards

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Ego Identity
Is formed when youths develop a firm sense of who they are and what they stand for.
Role Diffusion
Youths place themselves at the mercy of leaders who promise to give them a sence of identity they cannot mold for themselves.
Paternalistic Family
A family style wherein the father is the final authority on all family matters.
What did they do
Exercised complete control over his wife and children.
How were the kids treated in the environment?
Severe physcial punishment.
What was expected of kids/ includes?
To take on adult roles, going to work.
What kind of relationshop existed between parent/child? Why?
Impersonal relationship, beczaust of high mortality rates.
When did the changes in family structure begin?
After the middle ages.
What was happening?
Began seeing samll nuclear families.
What else really changed?
Marriage situation.
What else was established - especailly in larger cities?
Grammar and boarding schools
The Age of Enlightment where philosophers launched a new age for childhood.
Began to be different kind of beings.
Children emerged as a distinct group that had..?
Set of rights set of needs intrerests
Parens Patriae refers to the role of..?
King as father of his country.
So, the state has...
Power to be a parent and make desions for a child.