5 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

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Records that must be kept for at least 3 years after last date of entry
1. Name as it appears on SS Card 2.Home address 3.Date of birth if under 19 4.Sex and Occupation 5.beginning of work week(time and day) 6.Reg rate of pay for OT weeks 7.Hours worked each workday and work week 8.Straight time earnings 9Overtime premium earnings 10.Additions to and deductions from wages for each pay period 11.Total wages paid for each pay period Date of payment and the pay period covered 12.Collective bargaining agreements 13Certificates authorizing the employment workers 14.Records showing total sales volume and goods purchased
Records that must be kept for at least 2 yrs from last date of entry
1.Basic employment and earnings records 2.Order, shipping and billing records 3.Addidtions and deductions from empl wages 4.Wage rate tables and piece rate schedules 5.Work time shcedules
What penalties can be given for willful violations of record keeping requirements
1.$10.000 2.Imprisonment for up to 6 months
How long should a garnishment or cheld support withholding be kept.
1.3 years from last withholding 2.if legal action is involved 4 years from disposition of action
Similar to FLSA