CPL Human Factors

156 cards   |   Total Attempts: 194

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Fat pinch test is where?
Abdomen (Hip or belly)
Fat pinch test fold of skin should be no greater than...
12mm thick
Recommended level of exercise to meet minimum healthy standard
3 times a week, 20 minutes duration, double resting heart rate
Obesity can lead to...
Cardiovascular (heart vesicles become restricted)
Fitness level needs to be improved if fat pinch test is greater than...
20mm over belly
Do pilots need multi-vitamins?
No, provided they have a healthy balanced diet.
What is true regarding the vitamin intake of a pilot?
Variable meals should contain adequate vitamins required.
Australia Guide of Healthy Eating recommends reducing...
Fat and sugar intake
Correct way to change your diet as recommended by the authorities
More vegetables and hire fibre foodsLess sugars, saturated fats and salts
CASA regulations for diving and fling needs to be applied to who?
Both pressurised and non-pressurised aeroplanes (all aeroplanes)
Best way to reduce alcohol absorption
Eat food before drinking
Ratio of O2 in the atmosphere. What happens when the altitude is increased?
21%, % stays the same
Side effects of Aspirin
Stomach bleeding, kidney or liver problems
CO2 is what and produced in what process?
Waste product produced by the lungs the metabolic process
Optimum performance variables
19C, 40-60% humidity, low noise and no vibration