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1.1 Managed Care
1.1 well managed- accessible, timely, with continuity
1.2 Essence of Value
1.2 Quality of Care and Service + Outcome / Cost
1.3 Staff Model
1.3 Physicians are employees of HMO
1.4 Group Model
1.4 HMO contracts physicians who are employed by the group. Ex. Kaiser Permanente
1.5 Network Model
1.5 HMO contracts with more than one group practice.
1.6 Independent Practice Association (IPA) or Organization (IPO)
1.6 Corporation created and operated by a group or association of private physician providers who contract out services for one or more health plans. Compensated on a capitation basis by HMO. IPA's compensate practitioners by discounted fee for service or combination of FFS and primary care capitation.
1.7 Mixed Model
1.7 Combination of IPA's medical groups, staff physicians, individual physicians under contract with HMO.
1.8 Foundation Model
1.8 Non-profit corporation that owns the health plan...
1.9 Direct Contract Model
1.9 HMO contracts directly with individual physicians; greater financial risk is assumed by HMO.
1.10 Open-access model
1.10 HMO permits self referral to specialist in the approved network of the contracted group for a higher co-payment.
1.11 PPO Characteristics
1.11 Does not accept capitation risk. Has selective provider panel. Direct Contracting. Negotiated payment rates. Utilization management and claims review with controls. Consumer choice.
1.12 PPO Models
1.12 Provider-sponsored plans
Carrier-sponsored plans
Broker Model
1.13 Consumer-Directed Helath (CDH) Plan
1.13 PPO model with more benefit choices; lower premium, high-deductible health plan with savings option.
1.14 Point-of-Service (POS) Plan
1.14 Open-ended plan with a hybrid option to choose between HMO, PPO, and indemnity-style benefits at the point of care. Enrollee may choose outside HMO provider network without referral authorization.
1.15 Fee-for- Service (FFS)
1.15 Reimbursement based on actual costs or charges using UCR (usual, customary, reasonable) charge scales.