Counselling Exam

Flash cards f or couns

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 195

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Therapy process
Focuses on needs/goals of client, collaborative, clients opportunity to explore, involves choice and change, information giving by the therapist, support, assessment and treatment plan.
Aims of therapy
Empowerment, build on strengths of client, enhance relationships, increase insight/awareness and acceptance. promote change, psychoeducation and skills building
Qualities in a good therapist
Warm, open, friendly, supportive, tolerant, energetic and enthusiastic, personal togetherness, flexibility, self awareness, (biases, values/feelings and ability to recognise how and what factors affect them. empathetic skillfullness, consistently working on own mental health.
Ethics in therapy
Aus psychological society code of ethics- helps promote stability within profession, protect against malpractice suits.
Unethical behaviours in therapy
Uninformed consent, violation of confidentiality, exceeding level of expertise, imposing values onto client, erotic/sexual contact, dual relationship, creating dependence in client
Boundary Issues in therapy
Governing principles- clients needs are priority, therapist are exluded. client should feel safe, diclose info, trust therapist, assured that confidentiality is maintainted, wont be expose to therapists opinion, empowered & assisted to increase independence and autonomy
Respectful model
Religion, economic status, financial social background, personal style/education, ethnic identity, life span challenges-age. trauma- war assualt, physical characteristics-disability. location and residence.
Competencies to be mastered
Awareness/acceptance of differences, cultural self awareness, dynamics of difference, knowledge of clients culture, adaption of skills, generic counsellng practices, shown through attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and skills.
Microskills heirachy
Reflection of feeling, encouraging, paraphrasing, summarizing, client observation skills, open/close questions, attending behaviour, ethics/multicultural competence
Basic listening sequence
Open questions- close questions. paraphrases, reflection of feeling, summarisation
Empathetic skillfullness
Empathetic concern, perspective taking, absence of overidentification, acceptance, interpersonal warmth, respect, congruence, genuineness, rapport building skills, cognitive flexibility, communication facilitating skills, ability to communicate understanding to client, and non-verbals, immerse in clients story but not get caught up in it. recognise good therapeutic timing
Repeat key words. Images- pick up an images they put down. Simple- wording, soft- speaking- slow-speaking- client- attend and listen carefully.
Reflection of feeling, experience in a supporitve validating way. reflecting incongruence between what the client is saying and their non verbals.
Psychodynamic model
Persons behaviour determined by underlying psychological forces, not aware of
Bring unconscious conflicts into conscious, probes past, doesnt take immediate problem, goal is INSIGHT.. takes a long time, explore unconscious, Methods- free association, interpretaion of dreams and transference.