Corona Related Vocabulary

8 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Asymptomatic (adjective)
Showing no symptoms of a particular disease - She had no idea her husband had coronavirus because he was asymptomatic.
COVID-19 (noun)
Official name for the novel coronavirus disease that emerged in China in 2019. COVID-19 = CoronaVIrus Disease-2019 - All countries are requested to report any new confirmed case of COVID-19 within 48 hours.
Epidemic (noun)
Occurrence of a particular disease in a large number of people in a particular area. See outbreak, pandemic - The city was devastated by an epidemic of cholera in the 19th century.
Outbreak (noun)
A sudden occurrence of a disease (or other unpleasant thing). There was another outbreak of the disease in 1993 but the cause was uncertain.
Symptomatic (adjective)
Showing symptoms of a particular disease - Anyone who is symptomatic is advised to phone a doctor and get tested.
Pandemic (noun)
Occurrence of a particular disease throughout a whole country or the world. Just after the First World War there was a pandemic of flu which killed up to 40 million people worldwide.
PCR test (noun)
A test that detects viral particles in blood or other body fluids. (PCR = polymerase chain reaction) - The PCR test is one of the tools that doctors use to diagnose certain coronavirus diseases.
Face mask (noun)
Answer 8
A protective mask covering the nose and mouth or nose and eyes.