Coors Light 2009 FB Quiz

Flashcards for MillerCoors promotional specialists

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

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What is the #1 goal when promoting Coors Light?
Sell Beer
How many Carbs and Calories are in Miller LIght?
96 Cals. 3.2 Carbs
How many carbs and calories are in MGD 64?
64 cals 2.4 carbs
How many carbs and calories are in Miller Chill?
100 cals 4.0 carbs
How many carbs and cals in Coors Light?
102 cals 5.2 carbs
How many carbs and cals are in Coors Banquet?
142 cals 10.6 carbs
How many carbs and calories are in Bud Light?
110 cals 6.6. carbs
How many carbs and calories are in Bud Select
99 cals 3.1 carbs
How many carbs and carlories are in MIch Ultra?
95 cals 2.9 carbs
What are the two major sponsorships that Coors Light holds?
Coors Light is known as the world's most_________ beer.
What catch phrase encompasses Coors Light brand?
Rocky Mountain COld Refreshment
What year was Coors Light introduced?
Name 8 Beers in the MillerCoors family
Miller Lite, Coors Lite, Blue Moon, MGD 64, Miller High Life, Killians, Foster's, Molson
Coors Light uses a unique frost brewing process that does what?
Locks in a taste as cold as the Rockies