Contextual Therapy: Study for CA MFT Licensing Exam

I am using these flashcards to study for the CA MFT Licensing Exam in 2011. This set focuses on Contextual Theory, a type of Family Therapy.

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 197

Cards In This Set

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Invisible loyalties
- A state in which a child unconsciously tries to pay a debt to his parents, even to his own detriment
- Often represent the pathology of the family as well as its potential health
- Title of book that Nagy wrote
Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy's emphasis
Loyalty, trust, and relational ethics
Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy
- Trained as a psychoanalyst
- Applied psychoanalytic ideas to family therapy
- Best known for developing the contextual approach to family therapy
- Student of Virginia Satir
- 1920-2007
4 dimensions of relational reality
1) Facts - i.e. genetic input, physical health, ethnic-cultural background, basic historical facts, events in a person's life cycle2) Individual psychology
- The domain of most individual psychotherapies3) Systemic transactions
- The domain covered by classical systemic family therapy - i.e. rules, power, alignments, triangles, feedback, etc4) Relational ethics
Relational Ethics
- The ethical or "justice" dimension of close relationships
- Focuses in particular on the nature and roles of connectedness, caring, reciprocity, loyalty, legacy, guilt, fairness, accountability, and trustworthiness - within and between generations
Multidirected partiality
- The main methodological principle of Contextual Therapy
- Consists of a sequential, empathic turning towards member after member (even absent members), in which both acknowledgment and expectation are directed at them
The main methodological principle of Contextual Therapy
Multidirected partiality
Contextual Therapy sees family conflict as caused by...
Legacies of invisible loyalties and obligations from the past that are passed on through generations
Contextual Therapy believes family dysfunction is created when...
Trust and caring break down in a family
Contextual Therapy techniques
- Facing repressed emotional conflict
- Renegotiating relationships
- Facing rational and irrational guilt
- Creating accountability
- Creating environment of trustworthiness
- What one has coming to him
- Contextual Therapy term
Family ledger
- A psychological accounting system that is maintained over generations and includes information about what has been given to whom and who still owes something to someone else
- Contextual Therapy term
Family legacy
- Refers to the expectations that are handed down from previous generations
- Contextual Therapy term
Family loyalty
- The allegiance children feel towards their parents based on parental fairness
- Contextual Therapy term
- What one owes and to whom
- Contextual Therapy term