
The amendments of the United States Consitution are in there own words.

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Question 1
Amendment 1
The first amendment has freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom of assembly,and freedom of petition and speech. So basically the right to have your own religion and express yourself all basic rights are in the First Amendment that many people use these days.
Question 2
Amendment 2
The second amendment includes right to keep and bear arms which in other words it the right for an indiviual to have weapons.
Question 3
Amendment 3
In past years soliders were allowed or put in peoples homes without the consent of the owner or the person who lived there. Amendment 3 prohibts it
Question 4
Amendment 4
This amendment requres a search warrant and a arrest warrant and if you request it you need to have a probable cause for it.
Question 5
Amendment 5
The government can't abuse of your rights like this amendment protects that right of yours. The government must protect all your legal rights that are yours.
Question 6
Amendment 6
The sixth amendment includes, impartial jury, speedy trial, and public trial which are rights related to criminal prosecution.
Question 7
Amendment 7
In this amendment the accused person has the right to have a trial by jury.
Question 8
Amendment 8
You can't have cruel or unusal punishment. The federal government can not be able to impose excessive bails or excessive fines and this alos applies to the states. As it has it in the eight amendment
Question 9
Amendment 9
The ninth amendment is sometimes or often defined as unenumerated rights or in other words legal rights that you have as an indiviual but are not coded or writtien in the U.S. Constitution
Question 10
Amendment 10
This amendment restates the basic idea of federalism those powers that are not granted to the national government nor they are to the states. Those rights are reserved to the states or the people.