Computer Concepts 1

Helllo babajdn dsh

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Ongoing process of social political and economic change brought about by digital technology such as computers and the internet.
Digital revolution
Global computer network originally developed as a military project then handed over to national science foundation for research and academic use
Post comments and questions
Bulliten boards
Exchange typed messages
Chat groups
Short for web blogs persoanl journals posted online
Online social networks
Group of computers linked by wired or wireless technology to share data and resources
Computer network
Collection of linked documents graphics and sounds that could be accesed over the internet
Entities that exist largely within computer networks
Converting text number sound photos and video into data that can be processed by digital devices
Severeal technoligies with distinct functionalities evolve to form a asingle product
Cloak a person identity and excersize freedom of speech
Anomymizer tools
Promote copying free ditsribution peer review and user modification
Open source
World wide economic interdependaence of countries that occur as cross border commerce increases and money flows mroe freely among coutries
Gap btw ppl who have and dont have access to technology
Digital divide