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What is network?
What is a firewall?
Built in security so hackers are unable to access your info.
What is a modem?
Hardware computer uses to send info to other computers.
What is Hardware vs. Software?
Hardware is equipment and software is the programs
What is save frequently?
When working on something you should save the document or whatever frequently
What is storage?
A floopy which hold the least amount of info, *(cds-rom, dvd-rom, and flash). These are *optical storage devices and all other are magnetic
What is HDD?
It is hard disk drive and is magnetic.
What is Editing?
Making changes to an exsiting document.
What types of PCs are there?
Desktop, laptop, and hand held
What type of servers are there?
Midsize and mainframe
What is ARPANET?
Pre-world wide web started in 1969
What is on the O.S. or operating system?
Windows XP, Microsoft Office or word processor, excel or spreadsheet, powerpoint or presentation, desktop publisher and access
What is a browser?
Internet Explorer
What is a ISP?
Internet Service Provider such as aol, cox, etc.
What is hits?
# of hits you get from searchs made