Competency 9—Technology

Interactive Study Guide for the TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Tests. - Competency 9— Technology

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
School district’s policy for use of school re-
sources, especially school computers and the Internet; must be signed
by students and parents.
A time-saving Internet feature to keep an address or URL you wish to return to later.
A time-saving Internet feature to keep an address or URL you wish to return to later.
Distance education
Linking students and teachers in different locations through technology to facilitate learning.
The physical parts of the computer.
An element in an electronic document or website that moves the viewer to another place in the same document or to an entirely different document or website.
Nonsequential text presentation.
Special type of database program that combines text, graphics, sound, and video elements into a product with “clickable” links to present ideas and information.
Authoring system software originally designed for kids to produce hypermedia.
Input device
Translates information into a form that the computer can understand, i.e., keyboard, mouse, scanner, digital cameras.
Local Area Network (LAN)
A network in which the computers that are
connected are close to each other, many times within the same building or campus.
Navigating from one place to another in a nonlinear fashion through related topics.
Network Interface Card (NIC)
Connects computers to a network or
shared devices, applications, peripherals.
Output device
Translates processed information into a form that the we can understand, i.e., monitor, printer.
Search string
A phrase using AND, OR, NOT, or NEAR that narrows or broadens an Internet search.