COM 107 Test #3

COM 107 final exam

98 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The original Internet which enabled military and academic researchers to communicate on a distributed network system.
Miniature circuits that process and store electronic signals
Fiber-optic cable
Thin glass bundles of fiber capable of transmitting thousands of messages simultaneously [via laser light]
World Wide Web [aka the Web]
Developed by Tim Berners-Lee in the late 80s, initially a text data-linking system that allowed computer accessed information to associate with other information no matter where it was on the internet.
Hypertext markup language, aka the written code the creates web pages and links
Web browsers
Software packages that help users navigate the Web
Internet service provider (ISP)
Connects home users to the Web, either dial-up or broadband connections
Broadband connections
Can quickly download multimedia content (dial-up is much slower)
Rely on people to review and catalogue Web sites, creating categories and hierarchical topic structures that can be browsed [first company to do so = Yahoo!]
Search engines
Allow users to find content by having them enter a key word or query to locate related Web pages
Digital communication
Enables all media content to be created in the same basic way, which makes media convergence possible.
Instant messaging
Enables users to send & receive real-time computer messages.
Sites that contain articles or posts in chronological, journal-like form, often with reader comments and links to other sites.
Wiki web sites
Wiki = quick [in Hawaiian], sites that enable anyone to edit and contribute to them.
Social media sites
Sites like myspace, facbeook, livejournal, hi5, bebo, orkut, and linkedin, big with social networking