Flashcards on Coasts for Geography Study

​Learn and study about Coasts for Geography Subject with our flashcards quizzes. The study, learn, and revise Coasts for Geography Subject with our quiz based flashcards. This flashcard is simple and easy to use and is more fun-oriented. ​ 

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What is fetch?
Fetch is wind dragging on the surface of the water. The length of water the wind blows over is called its fetch
What is swash?
Waves break in shallow water. The water that rushes up the sand is called the swash
What is backwash?
The water rolling back into the sea is called backwash
What are tides?
The result of the rise and fall in sea levels.
Why do water levels change?
Thats mainly because of the moon. As it travels around the earth, it attracts the sea and pulls it upwards.
What are usually the characteristics of a low tide?
A good amount of sand is visible, and marks of sand left when the tide was high. The water is lower
What are usually the characteristics of a high tide?
Almost no sand is visible. The water is higher
What are the waves three jobs?
They wear away, or erode the coast. They carry away or transport the eroded material. They drop or deposit it in sheltered areas where they lose energy.
What are the four ways of which waves can erode rock?
Hydraulic action, solution, abrasion, attrition.
What are prevailing winds?
Continuous winds.
What are groynes?
Answer 11
Groynes are used to stop long shore drift. It stops the beaches being carried away from long shore drift.
What is long shore drift? Give an example.
An example of long shore drift is a pebble on the beach. Back wash carries the pebble pack in to the water. The wave direction moves the pebble N E S W..then the pebble moves up again by the swash of the next wave. The process continues.
How do groynes work?
Groynes are barriers that stop long shore drift, so the beach stops being carried away. They are shaped like an airfoil.
How is a beech formed?
A beech is formed if it carrys more 'on' than 'off' . Waves will bring materials from the sea, and the swash will deposit it at the beach.
How is a headland formed?
Hard rock erodes more slowly than soft rock. So cliffs of hard rock jut out, forming a headland.