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Relationship between %T and concentration
Inverse, non-linear
Relationship between log %T and concentration
Inverse, linear
Relationship between absorbance and concentration
Direct, linear
Beer's Law
Abs=abca: absorptivityb: light path lengthc: concentration of analyte in solution
Formula for %T and absorbance
360-710 nm, was most common, cheap, low energy & high intensity, high heat
320-710 nm, most common now, higher intensity & stability, longer life, max output in the visible range of wavelengths
Hydrogen or deuterium
165-360 nm, higher intensity & output, need high voltage power supply, deuterium-max output in UV wavelengths
Mercury or xenon arc
Produce line spectrum, get line spectrum, not suitable for routine work, high intensity, need high voltage power supply
Narrow intense beam, produces essentially monochromatic light
Light emitting diodes (led)
Emit more specific wavelengths than tunsten or tungsten-halide bulbs, often used in cell counters as light source for hemoglobin measurements
Spec 501, turner 830 plus light source
Turner 830 light source
Most narrow band pass specs light source
Hydrogen (deuterium) and tungsten
Fluorometer light source
Xenon or mercury arc