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Complete severing of a body part (typically a toe or finger)
Avulsion Fracture
Fractures of the distal end of the lateral forearm bone (radius), produces a dinner fork deformity.
Colles Fracture
Bone is splintered into several small pieces between the main parts.
Comminuted Fracture (Multiple breaks)
Bone is broken into two or more pieces
Complete Fracture
Broken ends of the bones protrude through the skin
Compound (open) Fracture
Bone is squashed (may occur in vertebra during a fall)
Compression Fracture
Broken part of the bone forms a concavity (as in skull fracture)
Depressed Fracture
Fractured bone parts are out of anatomic alignment
Displaced Fracture
Epiphysis is separated from the diaphysis at the epiphyseal plate
Epiphyseal Fracture
Partial fracture; one side of the bone breaks - the other side is bent
Greenstick Fracture
Fine crack in which sections of bone remain aligned (common in skull)
Hairline Fracture
One fragment of bone is firmly driven into the other
Impacted Fracture
Partial fracture extends only partway across the bone
Incomplete Fracture
Fracture is parallel to the long axis of the bone
Linear Fracture
Diagonal fracture is at an angle
Oblique Fracture