CiMO Final

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Describe two ways of exiting Medisoft.
On the Menu bar select FILE, then EXIT. Another way to exit would be to clicking the CLOSE box.
How can you enter Medisoft?
Through the menus on the menu bar or through the buttons on the toolbar.
Advantages/disadvantages of computerized scheduling
Faster, can be working on entering transactions and if a patient calls to schedule an appointment there's no need to exit the transaction. Office Hours is a seperate program. Disadvantages: if there is property damage then there maybe a chance of losing information.
When and how to create new cases?
When a patient has a change in their insurance, if treatment is provided for two or more unrelated conditions, workers' compensation.
To create a copy highlight case and select Copy Case.
To create new case select New Case.
What is found on the encounter form?
Referring physician, Diagnosis, Payment amount, Procedure codes, Patient name, Date, Time, Chart #, POS, acting physician, and notes.
What is found on the patient information form?
Personal, employment, and medical insurance information about the patient.
How capitated insurance plans work
Under a capitated plan, a flat fee is paid to the physician no matter how many times a patient receives treatment, up to the maximum number of treatments allowed per year.
Explain Place of Service codes. POS.
The place of service can either be at the physician office or at a hospital. Each has its own POS code. The physician's code is 11, inpatient hospital 21, outpatient hospital 22, hospital ER 23.
Restoring/backing up data in Medisoft.
Restoring data is performed at the the start of a new Medisoft session.
Data is backed up at the end of each day.
How is a chart number created?
First five characters of last name, if last name is short use the first name.
First two characters of first name.
Zer0 at end.
How are Case numbers created?
Medisoft automatically assigns a sequential number. No two case numbers are the same.
Applying payments
Payments are color-coded to indicate payment status.
Partially applied-Blue
Fully applied-White
Apply co-payment to Co-payment
Apply to oldest button sets payment to oldest charge.
The different kinds of reports that can be created in Medisoft
Standard reports: day sheets, practice analysis reports, and patient ledgers.
Medisoft reports in Version 16 an extra 100 reports not found in standard reports.
What do the reports show?
Day to day procedures, reports on patients' accounts.
The Patient list dialog box
Left side is Patient window. This window contains chart number, name , DOB, SS#,Patient ID #2, Patient type, last name, billing code, and patient indicator.
Right side is Case window. This contains patient's medical conditions and treatments-including the diagnosis, procedures, provider, and insurance plan.