CHES Study Guide For the Exam Flashcards

Prepare and practice for the CHES study guide for the exam in a brief manner with these flashcards and revise the concepts related to it. Learn the important terms, definitions, procedures, and much more briefly with these flashcards quizzes. Be prepared for the Exam CHES and master this topic with ease and fun by attempting Flashcards quizzes.  

54 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Phase 1 of Precede-Proceed
Social Assessment- defines the quality of life of the priority population
Phase 2 of Precede-Proceed
Epidemiological Assessment- data is used to identify and rank health goals or problems of the priority population. Behavioral, genetic, and environmental factors
Phase 3 of Precede-Proceed
Educational and Ecological Assessment- indentifies and classifies factors that can effect behavior. Factors can be predisposing, enabling, or reinforcing.
Phase 4 of Precede-Proceed
Intervention Alignment & Policy Assessment- Match appropriate strategies with projected outcomes and determine if resources are available to implement the program
Phase 5 of Precede-Proceed
Implementation- methods and strategies for the program are selected and program begins
Phase 6 of Precede-Proceed
Process Evaluation- measurements obtained during program implementation to improve quality of performance
Phase 7 of Precede-Proceed
Impact Evaluation- the immediate observable effects of a program. changes in knowledge, behavior, attitude, etc.
Phase 8 of Precede-Proceed
Outcome Evaluation- the ultimate goal of the program. Weight loss, cholesterol reduction, etc.
Phase 1 of MATCH
Goals selection- select health status goals of the priority population based on health problem
Phase 2 of MATCH
Intervention planning- matches intervention objectves with intervention targets and actions
Phase 3 of MATCH
Program development- creation of program components
Phase 4 of MATCH
Implementation preparations- perform neccessary prep for program and conduct interventions
Phase 5 of MATCH
Evaluation- inclides process, impact, and outcome evaluations
Phase 1 of SMART
Preliminary planning- asses all health problems and determine what needs to be addressed
Phase 2 of SMART
Consumer analysis- identify the priority population, identify consumer needs and wants