Characters in The Canterbury Tales

A summary of the characters in The Canterbury Tales based on their attributes in the Prologue.

8 cards   |   Total Attempts: 195

Cards In This Set

Front Back
The Summoner
- gross/foul- intimidating- hypocritical- lazy- concieted
The Monk
- unconventional- extravagant- jolly- need for companionship
The Knight
- practical- respectable- expierienced- composed- modest
The Wife of Bath
- sensual- wealthy- indulgent- wise- stuck-up
The Miller
- loud/obnoxious- arrogant/cocky- violent- grungy- attention-seeking- dirty mind
The Friar
- greedy- disloyal- conniving- corrupt- hypocritical
The Oxford Cleric
- aloof- focused/dedicated- sole aim is learning, living ascetically- single-minded- economical- appreciative
What questions can one pose in a commentary on Chaucer?
- Is Chaucer mocking or praising? Why?- What traits are being mocked?- What literary devices does he use?- What methods of characterization are used?