Chapter Ten- Mightier Than the Sword

History of Journalism

23 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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A reckless political gamble to convince voters that the democratic party had presided over the country through two decades of not unfortunate accidents or errors- but treason?
How did McCarthy get his accusations out?
Print-->news automatically accepted
Who successfully brought McCarthy down?
Tv-->murrow, CBS then ABC
The evil empire?
The soviet union- cold war
Era of cold war?
Lots of accusations, being associated with the wrong people meant trouble
When and how did McCarthy begin his campaign?
Feb. 1950-->waving a sheet with a supposed 205 communists that were working in the state; in reality, no names
Where did he do this?
Women's club in wheeling, west virginia
Mccarthy was credited with what?
Bringing republican in control of white house
Most important element in mccarthy's rise to fame?
Ability to manipulate the press
In particular, McCarthy was a master at manipulating what service?
Wire services
How did he successfully use these wire services?
Timing of his accusations; journalist published one-sided in order to beat out other newspapers- didn't have time to check the facts
What helped McCarthy with reporters and accsations?
He was a senator, they had to publish his stuff; no room for objectivity
How did Edward Murrow first earn his place in journalism?
Reporting for CBS history during wwII- speaking from the rooftops of london during bombing raids, trenches in europe, buckenwald concentration camp when liberated
Who was Murrow's behind-the-scenes collaborator?
Fred friendly- producer
Their partnership began when?
In 1950- hear it now- magazine program for cbs radio