Chapter 9--> Skill and Fitness

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Skill-related fitness:
•Fitness components important for success in skillful activities and athletic events such as basketball, racquetball, golf, hiking, soccer, and water skiing •Skill-related sports participation also contributes to health-related fitness, enhances quality of life, and helps people cope more effectively in emergency situations
•Ability to change body position and direction quickly and efficiently •Important in sports such as basketball, soccer, and racquetball
•Ability to maintain the body in proper equilibrium •Vital in activities such as gymnastics, diving, ice skating, skiing, and even football and wrestling
•Integration of the nervous and muscular systems to produce correct, graceful, and harmonious body movements •Important in golf, baseball, karate, soccer, racquetball, in which hand-eye and /or foot-eye movements, or both, must be integrated
•Ability to produce maximum force in the shortest time •The two components of power are speed and force (strength) •Allows a person to produce explosive movements as in jumping, throwing/hitting a ball •Power is necessary to perform many daily activities that require strength and speed such as climbing stairs, lifting objects, preventing falls, hurrying to catch a bus •Power is beneficial in sports such as soccer, tennis, softball, golf, volleyball
Reaction Time
•Time required to initiate a response to a given stimulus •Important for starts in track and swimming, playing tennis at the net, ping pong, boxing, and karate
•Ability to rapidly propel the body or part of the body from one point to another •Activities that require good speed for success include soccer, basketball, sprints in track, stealing base in baseball •Speed can be important in everyday life in a wide variety of emergency situations
Specific Exercise Considerations
--Asthma --Arthritis --Pregnant?( 30 min of gradual exercise) --Meal and exerse 2 hr latter --Good shoes (300-500 miles or 6 months) --Water (6-8 oz. every 15-20 min.)
The four most common causes of injuries
–High-impact activities –Rapid conditioning programs –Improper shoes or training surfaces –Anatomical predisposition –Most injures occur in the 1st 6 months of conditioning program
Standard treatment for acute exercise-related injuries = R I C E
–R = rest –I = ice application –C = compression –E = elevation
Acute Sports Injuries
•Cold should be applied 3-5 times a day for 15 minutes at a time during the first 36-48 hours •An elastic bandage or wrap can be used for compression •Elevating the body part decreases blood flow and therefore swelling •The purpose of these treatment modalities is to minimize swelling and hasten recovery time •After the first 36-48 hours, heat can be used if the injury shows no further signs of swelling •Treatment of fractures, dislocations, or partial dislocations should always be left up to specialized medical personnel