CHapter 9 - Ancient World History

Study your flashcards.  YOu will have a test on Friday.

28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

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Who split the Roman and Byzantine Empires in half?
Who was the greatest of all the Byzantine Emperors?
What were the three reasons Justinian should be remembered?
Tried to win the Roman lands back Made a code of laws Made Constantinople more beautiful
What did Justinian say all the time?
One empire, one church, one law
Why did the Christian Church break?
Problems with government, icons, and riots
The West became the _____________ church
Roman Catholic
The East became the _________________ church
Eastern Orthodox
What happened when Justinian died?
Plague & civil war
Who were the two monks that invented the Cyrillic alphabet?
Cyril & Methodius
Why did the monks make the alphabet?
It was important to have a written language.
What was Russia's religion?
Eastern Orthodoxy
What happened in AD 862?
Russia was founded
Who was the ruler when Russia was founded?
Prince Rurik
Why was Kiev the biggest city in Europe?
Large trading center between 2 routes
What did the veche do?
It was an assembly - accept/remove princes, handled business and government