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Microscopic pores that open during the day to let out Co2 into leaves & water vapor pass out
Site of photosynthesis
Network of chloroplasts membranes active in photosynthesis
Liquid material of the chloroplasts when the thylakoids are immeresed
Chlorophyll A
Primary pigment active in the plant photosynthesis
Organized complex of molecules within a thylakoid membrane that collects solar energy & transforms it into channel energy
Reaction Center
Pair of special cholorphyll A molecules & associated compounds that 1st recieve solsar energy from photosystem pigments & then transform this solar energy into chemical energy
Calvin Cycle
Set of steps in photosynthesis in which an energy-rich sugar is produced by the fixing of atmosphere Co2 into sugar & energizing of this sugar with the addition of elements supplied by light-dependent of photosynthesis
1st step of calvin cycle, gas being incorporated into an organic molecule
Process in which the enzyme rubisco reduces carbon fixation in photosynthesis by binding with O instead of CO2
Enzyme that allows organisms to incorporate atmosphere carbon dioxide into their own sugar during photosynthesis
C4 photosynthesis
Form of photosysnthesis in which CO2 is fixed to a 4-carbon molecule & then transferred to special bundle sheath cells in which the calvin cyle is undertaken, Used by wamr weather plants to reduce photorespiration that undercuts carbohydrate production in C3 plants
CAM Photosynthesis
Form of photosynthesis undertaken by some plants in hot climates in which carbon fixation takes place at night an the calvin cycle during the day. Allows plants to preserve water by opening stomata only at night.