Chapter 8 APUSH

Chapters 8

33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 194

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Why did Jefferson become so popular after the election of 1800?
He scaled down government spending
What were Jefferson's 3 worries as president?
Worried that high taxes, standing armies, and political corruption could destroy American liberty
How did Jefferson and Gallatin reduce spending?
They placed economy ahead of military preparation
What happened with the Barbary coast? How was it cost effective?
Tripolitan War -- The Tripolitan (or Bribary) pirates of North Africa had been solving their financial issues by impressing sailers. Jefferson decided war would be cheaper so they went to war (1801-1805) and it ended up costing half of what it would have if U.S. kept paying ransom
What was the problem with Samuel Chase and John Pickering? What were their results?
They were federalist judges that questioned impeachment Samuel Chase- was convicted but not charged John Pickering- was removed from office
Louisiana Purchase: Who negotiated it? How much? Why? Which land boundaries? What is the size? How did this help America?
-Napoleaon Bonaparte (French) w/ U.S. Senate -$15 million -territory between Mississippi Rivers and Rocky Mountains -America gained land and was now not surrounded by foreign countries
What was the constitutional dilemma for the Louisiana Purchase?
No part of the constitution said that government had the authority to acquire new land and it was a dilemma because Thomas Jefferson was a Democratic-Republican so he believed in "strict interpretation"
How did we obtain the right to buy the Louisiana territory?
Jefferson drafted a constitutional amendment that authorized the acquisition of the territory but prohibited Americans to live there for an unclear period. It was quickly ratified by Senate
Election of 1804: Who ran? Who won? What were key issues?
Thomas Jefferson (Aaron Burr=VP) vs. Pinckney -there was a tie in the electoral vote in which Burr tried to make himself president so he was knocked out and George Clinton took his spot.
Why was the expedition of Louis and Clark significant?
They followed the Missouri River and then the Snake and Columbus Rivers to the Pacific Ocean and back to St. Louis. -They collected a lot of scientific information (300 miles of mountains separate Missouri and Columbia Rivers. -It led to more accurate maps and heightened interest in the West
What were 4 area that wanted to secede from the Union?
Nova Scotia, Pennsylvania, New York, New England
What was the cause of the Yazoo scandal?
Georgia sold the Yazoo tract for a fraction of its value to land companies that had bribed virtually the entire legislature. Georgia was accepting money for white people to go into the Indian lands.
What was the goal of the Embargo Act? What was the actual result?
-Goal= stop import and export with Britain and France -It didn't work...Americans got made fun of
How did the Embargo Act impact employment in the U.S.? Name 3 groups of people.
It affected merchants (no sales), farmers (no trade), and sailors (no work)
What was the positive, though forgotten, result of the O Grab Me Act?
America was able to relie on themselves for goods.. since they couldnt import, they were encouraged to make their own goods