Chapter 7 - Theatre

The Art of Acting

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
International phonetic alphabet
System for transcribing the sounds of speech
Stanislavsky system or method acting
When actors use more natural onstage by recalling their own motions and transferring those feeling to their characters
Emotional memory
To think back over a certain incident and remember it well enough to relive the accompanying emotions
Technical approach
When an actor is working from the outside in
The ability to understand and identify with anothers situation, feelings, and motives so completely that you feel you are experiencing that same situation and emotions
Given circumstances
When analyzing characters based off their life, situation, problems, and the limits life has places on them
The driving force for a character
Inner conflict
Handicaps the character until the unfinished business from the past is confronted
Character flaw or fatal flaw or tragic flaw
Makes the character make unfortunate choices
Cattle call
Open call
Digital actors