Chapter 7 Textbook Flash Cards

63 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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The process used to accomplish organizational goals through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling people and other organizational resources
The Functions of Management
1. Planning2. Organizing3. Leading4. Controlling
-The 1st Function of Management-A management function that includes anticipating trends & determining the best strategies & tactics to achieve organizational goals & objectives
Planning[figure 7.1]
*Setting organizational goals*Developing strategies to reach those goals*Determining resources needed*Setting precise standards
Organizing[figure 7.1]
*Allocating resources, assigning tasks, & establishing procedures for accomplishing goals*Preparing a structure (rganization chart) showing lines of authority & responsibility*Recruiting, selecting, training, & developing employees*Placing employees where they'll be most effective
Leading[figure 7.1]
*Guiding & motivating employees to work effectively to accomplish organizational goals & objectives*Giving assignments*Explaining routines*Clarifying policies*Providing feedback on performance
Controlling[figure 7.1]
*Measuring results against corportate objectives*Monitoring performance relative to standards*Rewarding outstanding performance*Taking corrective action when necessary
Empowering Employees
Means allowing them to participate more fully in decision making.
-The 2nd Function of Management-A management function that includes designing the structure of the organization & creating conditions & systems in which everyone & everything works together to achieve the organization's goals & objectives
-The 3rd Function of Management-Creating a vision for the organization & guiding, training, coaching, & motivating others to work effectively to achieve the organization's goals & objectives
-The 4th Function of Management-A management function that involves establishing clear standards to determine whether or not the organization is progressing toward its goals & objectives, rewarding people for doing a good job, & taking corrective action if they are not.
-Part of Planning-An encompassing explanation of why the organization exists & where it's trying to head-It gives the organization a sense of purpose & a set of values that unite workers in a common destiny-Usually set by Top Management
Mission Statement
-Part of Planning-Outlines the organization's fundamental purposes. It should address:--->The organization's self-concept--->Its philosophy--->Long-term survival needs--->Customer needs--->Social responsibility--->Nature of the product or service -Top management works with others in the firm to established a mission statement-Becomes the foundation for setting specific goals & objectives
A mission statement should address: ???
*The organization's self-concept*Its philosophy*Long-term survival needs*Customer needs*Social responsibility*Nature of the product or service
The broad, long-term accomplishments an organization wishes to attain.-The mission statement becomes the foundation for setting specific goals & objectives-Part of Planning & Decision Making-Because workers & management need to agree on them, setting goals is often a team process.