Define Respiratory System Tests and Procedures Flashcards

This set of quiz based flashcards focuses on Respiratory System Tests and Procedures. Learn about the Respiratory System Tests and Procedures with our simple and easy sets of quiz based flashcards. Learn, Study, and revise with our knowledge-based flashcards.

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Arterial blood gas (ABG)
Analysis of arterial blood to determine the adequacy of lung function in the exchange of gases
Abbreviation for the potential of hydrogen; measurement of blood acidity or alkalinity
Abbreviation for partial pressure of oxygen; measurement of the amount of oxygen in the blood
Abbreviation for partial pressure of carbon dioxide; measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood
Examination inside a body cavity with a flexible endoscope for diagnostic or treatment purposes
Use of a flexible endoscope, called a bronchoscope, to examine the airways
Use of a flexible endoscope to examine the nasal passages and the pharynx to diagnose structural abnormalities, such as obstructions, growths, and cancers
Examination methods
Techniques used during physical examination to objectively evaluate the respiratory system
To listen; a physical examination method of listening to the sounds within the body with the aid of a stethoscope, such as auscultation of the chest for heart and lung sounds
A physical examination method of tapping the body to elicit vibrations and sounds to estimate the size, border, or fluid content of a cavity, such as the chest
Lung biopsy (Bx)
Removal of a small piece of lung tissue for pathologic examination
Lung scan / ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan
A two-part nuclear (radionuclide) scan of the lungs to detect abnormalities of ventilation (respiration) or perfusion (blood flow) made 1) after radioactive material is injected in the patient's blood, and 2) as the patient breathes radioactive material into the airways; comparison of the two scans indicates whether an abnormality exists in the airways or the pulmonary circulation
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Nonionizing image of the lung to visualize lung lesions
Polysomnography (PSG)
Recording of various aspects of sleep (i.e., eye and muscle movements, respiration, and brain-wave patterns) for diagnosis of sleep disorders
Pulmonary function testing (PFT)
Direct and indirect measurements of lung volumes and capacities