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A person's ability to read or write
Poll Books
List of all registered voters in each Precinct
Poll Tax
A Special tax, demanded by States, as a condition of voting.
The Process of revewing lits of registered voters and removing the names of those no longer eligible to vote a purification.
A Procedure of voter identfication inteded to prevent fraudulent voting.
Person living in a state for only a short time without legal residence
Universal Requirements
Citizenship redsidence age state requires that any person who wants to vote most be able to satisry qualifucation based on three factors
Alines foregin born resident who have not because citizens are generally deried the right to vote in the united states
One must be a legal resident of the state and the person most have lived in the state for at least acertain perod of time be foure he or she can vote
Tax Payment
The payment of proberty taxes, weance a very commco suffrage qualifcaton