Chapter 6 - Theatre

The Playwright and the Script

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Closed-shop union
Union to which all employees must belong and which the employer formally recognizes as their sole collective bargaining agent - ie: Writers Guild of America
Open-shop union
Membership is optional - ie: Dramatists Guild of America
Spoken text of the play
Short descriptions such as (loving) (terrified)
Stage directions
Notes that indicate the physical movements of the characters
Central idea or moral of the play
Hidden meaning behind the words
Causal and logical structure that connects events
Exposition or back story
Lets the audience in on what happened to the characters before the play began and what happens between the scenes and offstage
Incident that upsets the balance and gets the action rolling by creating an opportunity for conflict
Point of attack
Where the protagonist must make a major decision that will result in conflict
Dark moment
When the protagonist fails for internal or external reasons and the goal seems unattainable
Occurs when the protagonist comes to understand how to defeat the antagonist
Final outcome of the play