What Are the Basic Human Rights in Tibet Flashcards

For aphug final state test chapter six flashcards.

75 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Who is the Dalai Llama and why does he live in India today??
He's the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhists and the Head of the government in Tibet. In 1959 the Chinese forced him to emigrate after a rebellion occurred.
What are the 5 reasons geographers find religion important in the world??
1. People care about their religion2. Some religions try to appeal to everyone, some don't.3. Religious values show how people organize the landscape.4. Most religions require full adherance5. Migrants take their religion with them when they migrate, but they don't change their religion, they stick with it (unlike language).
What's a universalizing religion?
A religion that attempts to be global and appeal to all people wherever they live in the world.
What are the 3 main universalizing religions? And what are 2 side ones?
-Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism.-Sikhism and Baha i'
What is a branch?
A large and fundamental division within a religion.
What's a denomination?
A division of a branch that united a number of local congregations into a single legal and administrive body.
What's a sect?
A relatively small group that has broken away from an established denomination.
What are the 3 major branches of Christianity?
Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox.
What's the world's 3rd most populous religion?
What are the 4 largest Protestant religions?
Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, and Lutheran
What 4 countries account for half the world's Muslims?
Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India
Name the 5 pillars of Islam:
1. There is only one worshippable God2. Pray 5 times daily facing the holy city of Mecca3. A Muslim gives to charity4. Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan5. If able a Muslim must make a pilgrimage to Mecca.
Name 3 countries where you will find the most Shiite Muslims:
Iran, Pakistan, Iraq
What 3 countries account for the most total Muslims?
Bosnia, Germany, Albania
What European country has the most Muslims?